Thursday, November 29, 2007

Customers, customers..

today i got the chance to speak to some very interesting customers. Some can be real comedy, some, a complete pain in the ass.

Funny Cust (FC): Hi, how long do I have to charge my phone after buying 1st time?
me: oh, sir, u can leave it to charge up to 12 hrs to be on the safe side.
FC: 8 or 12?
me: 12 would be better i think (me not too sure, nver bothered abt how long to charge)
FC: erm, if u charge too long will there be any problems?
me: no sir, when the phone has fully charged, electricity supply will stop flowing to the phone.
FC: erm u sure the phone charge too long, it won't like.. FLOAT or smth?
me: *stunned for a while* erm sir i dun think your phone will float if left to charge for long periods..
FC: ok thanks.

Lolx.. I almost blurted out laughing at the customer.. haha! luckily i pressed the mute button b4 that! HAHA. (:

Den came along this pain in the ass - Evelyn. this horrible, rude, demanding, unreasonable person. for a lady to be called that by several consultants.. implies quite alot abt her doesn't it??

Evelyn comes from the UK, is currently a PR staying somewhere in Yishun. claims that Singaporeans are a pain to talk to, that we are stupid & unprofessional, if we went to London or Australia we would be laughed at; that's why we need to go such countries to undergo trg in order to be more professional. she still says, 'dun get me wrong, i don't mean to be rude or personal'. YEA RITE.

den she told me her entire story abt her being the victim of a warning letter sent out by my company, where she's the one being pranked upon instead of her being the person sending prank sms. Now i uds why ppl wld play prank on her. she's so-full-of-herself, all high and mighty, & for some silly reason think so highly of English countries. den she calls me idiot & stupid (her fave words btw) for not understanding her English, saying ppl in UK would uds her English in less than 5 mins. when in fact i had alr gotten her whole story written down & listening to her spout rubbish for 15 mins. haha.

den i made a mistake; smth i will learn from - to control my emotions. she became more demanding & demanded i investigate her case, telling me, 'speak up, Singaporean men have probs speaking up?' (mind you, she's the only cust telling me that in my 3wks there. stupid deaf woman) & 'hurry up, i've got no time for you, go chk you idiot'. on the spur of the moment i got pissed off & hung her up!! real b**** man..

den she kept calling back. wanting to speak to me, giving other consultants headaches & calling them stupid/twits. INCREDIBLE. den she kept wanting to speak to the previous consultant. who in their right mind would want to speak to her? everyone who spoke to her suddenly became unavail in one way or another, taking breaks or being engaged on the line. HAHA!!

& she dares to claim she's so god damn professional?! COME ON! if u're THAT professional, at least learn to be that wee bit more patient & not demand like a bloody spoilt child. looks like she's the stupid one in the end, having to make so many calls back & no one wanting to help her. HA. =P

Posted by darylhjm87 at 11:05 PM

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

When you miss someone, you either:
1. Go absolutely crazy thinking abt that person, or
2. find something like work to keep you mind occupied to the extent that you have absolutely no time to think of that person, spending all your time working ur socks off. which one is better??

Out of sight, out of mind..

Posted by darylhjm87 at 10:35 PM

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Feeling unlucky??

Every morning I have trouble finding a comp that works. even if i do, the applications might not be in the comp. even if they are, the headset might not work. hahaha. so much probs just to get started on the day's work. today I encountered all 3 problems simultaneously. arghh..

den, on the way home from work today. just felt so out-of-sorts. dunno why either. i tried to chase after the mrt, den accidentally injured again my alr fragile ankle which is actually healing. hope the damage isn't too fatal. den on the way home, i accidentally deleted all the bday notes in my phone!! argh.. feeling rather careless & unlucky. :(

den i watched the news. more coverage of the tragic incident of the dragon-boaters. my condolences really go out to the families of the 5 guys. it's sad and unfortunate that such an incident had to happen, the guys being nice ppl and have such promising futures as well.. then came the debate abt using of life-jackets. yea, if this didn't happen, ppl would nver think abt using life-jackets coz it slows down the guys competing. i just feel it's weird that such an incident had to happen b4 we think abt making life-jackets compulsory. i mean, shldn't that be the case in the 1st place? den again, ppl argue abt the possibility of a dragon-boat capsizing. can't really argue with that i guess. and then i thot abt me being unlucky. i'm really in no position to complain abt being unlucky.

somehow i still miss army and sch frens. i mean, working life currently isn't bad, with new friends who are nice ppl, gg out together with them for lunch. but i just miss my army frens, my sch frens, most of whom we hardly keep in touch at the moment due to our busy lifes.. juz hope we still can get together sometime.. haha

Posted by darylhjm87 at 9:59 PM

Thursday, November 22, 2007

going crazy abt OT

WOW! juz 2 weeks into my job, i'm gg to do 4 OTs in the space of one week! incl Sunday, my rest day. that's when the pay's the coolest. hehehehehe...

Posted by darylhjm87 at 11:09 PM

A note of thanks...

Just like to say a big, BIG thank you to ms kwee lee, my mum's fren, who allowed me to drive her car to send us home after Jerrica's wedding. THANKS again!! :)

time really flies & wow! jerrica is married to this really nice guy. at least that's what I think la. haha. hope she finds true happiness together with him :)

had one heck of a time trying to find the damn hotel - The Park Royal Hotel @ Beach Rd, got so pissed off trying to walk there (coz there was no avail taxi to hire @ PS or City Hall), ended up trying to call a cab, didn't get through, street-hired a cab, only for the driver to tell me Park Royal is just a walk down the street!! I really ought to put an ad on the Straits Times abt this wonderful Malay driver. can't rmb his taxi no, just that it was a new Comfort cab, auto-car i think. haha! but kwee lee really made the nite worthwhile for me, & of coz, the wedding dinner food was extraordinarily sumptuous.. mmm. :P

my ankle's on the road to recovery!! I'm not hobbling so much now & the swelling has gone down profusely. haha. tmr gg to see the chinese doc in the morn again. i'm actually putting quite alot of faith in chinese docs these days. despite my stereotyping that chinese docs can't be better than english docs. ahah. gg to work OT for the nxt 3 days!! hehx not even 2 wks into my job & i'm working OT. woo hoo! =P

Posted by darylhjm87 at 12:06 AM

Monday, November 19, 2007

having the right values?

btw providing good, quality customer service & hitting the call stats quota?

I choose to provide good, quality customer service.

haha. I must be stupid.

I'm feeling sleepy, still in quite a bit of pain over my SWOLLEN ankle (at least I've seen a chinese doc & had him to do some treatment on. 7 weeks to recover. WONDERFUL.), but worst of ALL!

I'm still feeling hungry. :P

Posted by darylhjm87 at 10:56 PM

Sunday, November 18, 2007

the weekend...

ok. i got what i wanted - lots of soccer action, @ east coast park artificial turf as well as @ zac's house street soccer. I also got what I didn't ask for - a twisted ankle!! argh! if only i didn't make that last-ditch tackle.. everything would have been fine & I won't be stuck here with an ankle the size of half a tennis ball. DAMN!

Big rite?! IN a great deal of pain now. ):

I really SHLD have listened to my Dad la. who told me not to play in case I injure myself. There. I proved him RIGHT. haha. can't help it. so long never play alr. now i suffer the consequences. ahah. sobs.

church was good today. Fr. Vaz certainly made the sermon more lively! especially his part on ppl can't handle failure in this world. to quote, 'u can't imagine telling someone that hey, u're a failure, and he tells you, 'thanks! let's have a party to celebrate.' haha!!

as usual, our choir never ever goes through Sunday w/o having kan chiong moments. hehx! today's issue was the AVA slides. apparently I had forgotten to remind Tim to put the new 'Kyrie' slide in front so as to teach the congre b4 mass. yups. rushed upstairs to tell them to change the slide, didn't make it in time; Andrea ended up teaching the congre w/o the slides. Great. Den I also forgot abt the responsorial psalm, which I had to play & didn't get a chance to practice wif Andrew either! Thankfully we did pretty ok in the end. Caroling practice was cool; learning new parts & for some of the guys who are on the brink of completing their A' level exams (congrats guys!) learning new songs. X'mas songs are really nice lah. hope this yr's caroling would eventually turn out to be smth diff from previous yrs. the leaders have discussed on this issue & we really hope it will be the case. coz everybody's getting the sianz feeling for doing this like 3-4yrs in a row?!? hahaha..

anw.. can u imagine the kind of things kids play with these days?!?! A Rain Detector Circuit Device.. GOSH. the other day one of my mum's pupils asked me to help him assemble this device for him. haha certainly dun rmb having such stuff in my childhood time! anw was quite proud of my self.. coz i managed to assemble the circuit board!! Yay! (:

nice rite!! haha yups and after that we tried to do a bit of experimenting by putting the 2 tips below into a plastic cup filled with water, simulating rain water.

Guess what? It worked!! The device gave off this high-pitched sound to indicate presence of rain. NOT BAD AT ALL!! (: Honestly, the stuff pri sch kids play with these days.. INCREDIBLE.

Posted by darylhjm87 at 8:22 PM

Friday, November 16, 2007


Whew! today marks an end to my first week at work! on a whole it's been fun but super tiring.. so so mentally exhausted! haha I gotta recharge over the weekend with good, soccer fun b4 gearing up again for next week. Fred, my in-charge is going to give us a test on what we've learnt nxt Tues!! & I'm rather unprepared.. coz of all the information overload we've had now everything's jumbled up in my head - numbers for monthly subscription fees, one-time charges, early termination charges etc etc.. ALL JUMBLED UP!! better read up over the weekend before i DIE PAIN PAIN on tues.. =(

i really like jay's new album!! of coz his rap songs are not exactly my favourites but songs like 彩虹, 我不配, 牛仔很忙, 最长的电影, 蒲公英的约定.. nice nice songs. go buy if u guys haven't done so!! =)

Posted by darylhjm87 at 11:08 PM

Thursday, November 15, 2007

An INTERESTING day to say the least

What is a perfectionist? look no further. ME. SERIOUS. just realised that, in many ways, I actually AM a perfectionist. doing this job of mine just made me more conscious of it. good or bad? BOTH. a perfectionist, as the name suggests, wants things to be done perfectly (duh!), efficiently, no problems/flaws encountered throughout the process & end-product. in short, everything falls into place, i.e. PERFECT scenario. GOOD in the sense that i do things with an aim - try to do things as perfect as i would like it to be, & i end up usually achieving better results in the end; BAD in a sense that i get disappointed when things don't go my way or I fail to achieve the aim set for myself..

Rather disappointed today. =(
1. Did not meet call quota & personal target of 100, only answered 89, which is actually quite impressive considering newbies usually reach around 70 plus..
2. Had 2 really nasty, stupid, irritating custs, 1 bent on making trouble, the other insistent on getting his way.. my day spoilers.

4th day into my job. finally started to answer calls on our own! of coz, with a senior part-time consultant beside to assist. today was more or less smooth sailing on the whole? & I would have hit the call quota of 100, if not for 2 custs who made life for me & my senior part-time consultant, difficult, to say the least. one cust had cable enq & was re-routed to my mobile dept due to the high call volume at cable site. simple solution - call back & try again maybe later, or we get cable dept to call them back in 48hrs. NO. this pest of a woman was more insistent on finding out why she was rerouted. it ended up with her wanting to speak to manager. WONDERFUL.
the other? had both of his phone lines terminated due to outstanding amts not paid even after payment extension. reminder was given to them to pay up for both lines otherwise both would be terminated. he said he 'paid up for one line, recon the line first'. sounds logical rite? however, guidelines req he pay up for both lines den we can recon the line/s. note his lines were term, not susp!! There's a diff when you don't pay up, suspension takes place first where 'paid up for one line, recon the line first' can be done. termination, after failing to make payments EVEN AFTER EXTENSION, sets in & cust must then clear ALL outstanding amts for ALL phone lines b4 any recon can be done. he asked for flexibility. sth i would have been all too happy to give to him if i had the authority. things eventually got worse, with me unable to do anything else other than adv him the same thing repeatedly. den he said i'm not fit to work in the dept to provide cust service & wanted to write in to newspapers. to quote him - 'I'm not making empty threats or joking ah, when I write in to newspaper & ur competitors laugh at you guys? don't say I never give you warning.' Purlease LOR! You want to write newspapers? by all means go ahead la. I get to be famous, or rather, infamous!! whatever. LOL. Honestly, the type of people you come across in this line of job.. we are NEVER short of colourful customers. hahax.

Posted by darylhjm87 at 11:02 PM

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Life @ my new work place..

It's been sometime since i last blogged.. on my old account @ will probably relocate my blog over here permanently in the near future,(no guarantees when exactly that will be though haha!!) since ppl commented that they are unable to leave comments there w/o going through a lot of hassle.. yups. hope I'm able to further beautify this space as time goes by.. hehx.

Yups.. the past 3 days have been really eventful for me; a new experience, a new challenge. It's been fun, tiring, exciting, boring, frustrating, nervy, but perhaps ultimately, a very challenging 3 days that i've enjoyed.

just in this short 3 days i've gained loads from my work!! learning how to deal with difficult customers, learning how to speak confidently over the phone, learning about the many many different products, promotions and plans that my company has to offer (note it's mobile, not Cable TV or internet since i'm only from the mobile department!), learning how to multi-task and do not just 2 things at the same time but sometimes even 3 - handling the phone, the computer & my personal phone.. oops! not supposed to use personal phone during working hrs hahaha!! also resulting in me subconsciously becoming more efficient in doing stuff haha.

the most rewarding thing is probably being able to offer help to ppl i guess? most ppl are really patient & it's great to serve them! of course there are the irritating few who behave like the whole world owes them a great deal & act like total a**holes.. won't go into details on that! & den there's the banglas, phillipinos, or indians, mostly foreigners, where trying to converse with them can be a real headache. You can't really understand what they are saying, & of course, you don't expect them to understand what I'm saying rite? LOL!!

yups most of the ppl in my department are temps. along with me there are another 6 newbies, the rest being ppl there for almost 2 mths. most of them find it sianx & i dun blame them.. 2 mths of answering calls, doing the same thing over & over again.. currently i find it OK, a challenge to meeting the quota of 100 calls a day.. but maybe after 2 months i'd probably be like them? certainly hope not!! the first day was really sianz but at least now I'm getting the hang of it. so it's not too bad la. not to mention the pay & shift allowance goes some way to ease the pain of having to work ya?? hahaha!! =P

Posted by darylhjm87 at 11:57 PM