Thursday, January 31, 2008


And so the 1st mth of the new yr draws to an end...

been slogging like crazy and chalking up the OTs!! haha actually not really la. dun really find it very hard or extremely tiring at the moment.. still enjoy the fun and company my work area brings to me surprisingly.. and of coz not to mention the income with all that rest day OTs.. hehehe.. guess I'll slow down after CNY on the OTs and work on learning how to play a guitar.. gotta stop putting that off..

von!! i'm gonna need that guitar of yours alr. hehz. =)

Posted by darylhjm87 at 11:18 PM

Monday, January 21, 2008

everything is about choice.especially decisions. we just have to try to make them to the best of our ability.

it was really good to meet up with von again on Fri for dinner. haven't met her for quite a long time.. dunno why but though we both were tired I just felt happy to meet her again just to talk about and have dinner. To von: hope you'll get over bf troubles with religion issues someday! haha =)

Posted by darylhjm87 at 12:56 AM

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Hmm.. as pointed out by a certain Auggy, I haven't been updating my blog for quite some time... Finally had a day off and time to spend to update my blog. =)

First of all, just like to say many heartfelt congratulations again to Nick & Verena, who have started on their journey as a couple together last Saturday. Here's hoping their marriage will be a fruitful and blissful one, and that the love they share will last a lifetime. It was wonderful just to share their joy together with the choir, be it the horrible torture during the 'taming of the bride' (I HATE WASABI + CHILLI PADI), the tea-ceremony, singing with my church choir for the wedding ceremony @ St Mary's of the Angels or the 'yam sengs' during the wedding dinner @ Park Plaza Hotel last Sunday.. It was truly memorable, probably one of the few weddings which I really enjoyed myself. Maybe it is becoz I have more ppl around my age group to talk and laugh with, unlike other wedding dinners, where ppl around me are either my parents' relatives or friends. Of course, who could forget the moving of the organ from my house to the church and back. That was probably the only thing that we could have done without. SERIOUSLY. other than that, I'm really happy for Nick and Verena, that everything went so smoothly for them on their wedding. once again, I wish the both of them the very best in their marriage life.

Been filled with quite a bit of regrets lately. Especially when it comes to my friends. I look at my Dad and I really admire the way he handles his friendship, the closeness between him and his buddies. I only wish I had 20% of the way he handles his friendship with others... So many friends I've been wanting to keep in touch, but more often than not, either due to work or studies, we can't find the time to meet up. Been thinking of how many ppl I want to meet up with.. hopefully there should be more than enough time b4 i go into uni to meet up with these peeps and treat them to lunch, dinner or smth. like Yiwei, Desmond from VJ; my good buddies from RI, Ken, Nick, CS and Seehong; my Army buddies, fellow commanders as well as ppl from Section 3; my church buddies who I feel have been closer than to me than any other thing at the moment.. somehow i feel i owe them a treat. haha and then there's Sheldon and his church friends, Yvonne, my JC 'mortal', whom I'm meeting on Friday i think.. and Marie too.. been wanting to meet up with her but dunno when she's ever free.. So many ppl I've been wanting to catch up with..

Then the other day this thot came to mind: that a friend shld know everything abt his close frens, what kind of food he likes, clothes, music, stuff like that? I'm not too sure if I do know that abt my good friends!! Maybe I'm not observant enough, or that I don't bother? I don't know.. Something that I must look into BIG TIME.. I'm guess I'm more of an understanding and helpful friend, as in I try to help my friends when they are upset or unhappy and cheer them up, or help them when they need advice or assistance. BUT Somehow I just feel that I need to be a better friend to others than what I am now...

At least today I did manage to meet up with Wei Lin, one of my long-lost friends from VJ who's staying in the same vicinity as me. we went for a swim this morn (perfect weather), and it was great company having him around, eating the claypot chicken rice, sharing our opinions, thots and views on everything under the sun; and he really got me thinking abt planning ahead for life, and making full use of this 8 mths or so we have b4 gg into uni. At least I've passed my driving alr! Something really useful learnt during this break. I still plan to take up guitar lessons in this period of time.. hopefully there's also enough time for me to spend in the library to enrich myself, do the things i enjoy doing like kayaking, meeting up with friends, and work, not to forget abt church commitments... Lots of stuff to do! And I also thot about wanting to take a vacation just b4 I go into uni. Suddenly the remaining 6 mths or so dun really seem like a lot of time to me!! It really boils down to striving for the balance in life we both were talking abt today.

And what really left an impact on me was his 3 impt things in life - The things you value, the limits facing you & the goals you want to achieve in life. and planning early is important to go far in life.
Something which i want to achieve. time to start working towards getting the max out of life...

Posted by darylhjm87 at 10:45 PM