Sunday, February 24, 2008

Singapore Airshow '08

I didn't get to catch the RSAF Black Knights!! Sianz. It was actually scheduled for the last show on air display!! But dunno what happened then they swapped it to the first show on display today. So.. missed it.. Sobs.. But okay lar. Managed to catch the team acrobatic display by the Royal Australian Air Force Roulettes which were pretty darn cool as well and had all the qualities of a grand finale for today's air display. so I'm not really complaining. but i really i wished i could have seen both!! Arghh.

Went there straightaway after church. BUT. the queue for the shuttle bus is downright scary lar. took abt 40mins to get to a bus. hehe and i did cut the queue abit here and there. haha bad behaviour. and den another 40plus mins to one hr wait for the shuttle bus ride back!! tsk tsk. and it's more or less the same experience as Asian Aerospace '06 lor. the static aircraft displays and the exhibitions. only this time I went alone and went late somemore. darn. nxt time in 2010 i'm juz gonna find myself a nice spot on Changi Beach and camp there to wait for the air display. hahaha. see how it goes. anyway some pics here... and one more thing. female air-force pilots are darn cool manz. they've got my R-E-S-P-E-C-T. =)

Posted by darylhjm87 at 10:46 PM

Monday, February 18, 2008


Find Me Here
Speak To Me
I want to feel you
I need to hear you
You are the light
That's leading me
To the place where I find peace again.

You are the strength, that keeps me walking.
You are the hope, that keeps me trusting.
You are the light to my soul.
You are my're everything.

How can I stand here with you and not be moved by you?
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this?

You calm the storms, and you give me rest.
You hold me in your hands, you won't let me fall.
You steal my heart, and you take my breath away.
Would you take me in? Take me deeper now?

How can I stand here with you and not be moved by you?
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this?
And how can I stand here with you and not be moved by you?
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this?

Cause you're all I want, You're all I need
You're everything,everything
You're all I want your all I need
You're everything, everything.
You're all I want you're all I need.
You're everything, everything
You're all I want you're all I need, you're everything, everything.

And How can I stand here with you and not be moved by you?
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this?
How can I stand here with you and not be moved by you?
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this?

How can I stand here with you and not be moved by you?
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this?

Would you tell me how could it be any better than this?

Lord I need your strength, your guidance. pls help me find my balance in life....

Posted by darylhjm87 at 10:54 PM

Friday, February 15, 2008

Test Test...

haha been tampering with my blogskin on my off day!! The only problem is now i cannot get the comments tab to appear on the end of my entries. & I've got no where to display my pics either. Oh wells. WHATEVER. haha. Many many thanks to Marie who helped me a lot in making this blog happen. She's really a pro @ blogging. hahaha kudos to her =) not like a particular someone whom I gave chocs and a rose on V-day. TSK. =p but then again, I sux at computer stuff. So carn really blame her la. hehx.

Juz went out this afternoon for lunch with Say Yong. It was good to catch up with him after all these times. Talked abt work, life, and more on life. hahaha. Went to this restaurant at City Plaza which was called Arnold's Chicken. It is more or less the Malay version of KFC lar. hahaha. but nevertheless the fried chicken is really yummy. =)

Attended Yi Biao's wake yesterday. Still carn believe he's gone just like that. It's really sad. Good thing was I managed to meet up with a lot of ppl who I wouldn't usually meet, like Ah John, yr 1 commander PS; the scout commanders like Jeremy, Kenneth, Wing Hoe, Zheng Jun, and of coz my Pioneer buddies. What is ironic that such a thing had to happen b4 we actually get together to meet up... and we wouldn't meet up again until perhaps, reservist?? something that i don't look forward to btw. hahaha. life. haix.

Posted by darylhjm87 at 5:57 PM

Thursday, February 14, 2008

I lost a friend...

He used to be one of my section men. We used to have a lot of laughter and fun together. I rmb last year he, along with some of my platoon guys, chipped in to buy a cake specially to celebrate my birthday. I rmb taking care of him. I rmb scolding him during our Taiwan trip. I rmb having disagreements with him. All of which doesn't matter anymore. All fading into mere memories.

I even saw him less than a mth back at Fish and Co. He came up and said hi to me and jason. And now he is gone! I won't get to see him again. Only 20years old! When he shld be enjoying life and so much more to go through and experience. Life can be so cruel. so fragile. so unpredictable. Haix. I still find it hard to believe =(

Goodbye Yi Biao. Do rest in peace my dear friend.

For those who wish to pay their last respects, the wake will be at Blk 72, Geylang Bahru, till Friday morning.

Posted by darylhjm87 at 12:16 AM

Sunday, February 10, 2008

A Look Back @ CNY '08...

Ok. So the CNY spirit or atmosphere was nothing like previous years. But strangely somehow, this CNY actually turned out to be the most fulfilling one for me. The word is 'fulfilling', and not like what someone told me - packed and exciting. Maybe packed. But NOT exciting. Rather, it's more exhausting than anything. Of coz it doesn't help when you spend the night chatting online til 2 plus in the morning. lolx.

It was fulfilling in the sense that I got to meet my Mum's relatives on the 1st day, Dad's relatives on the 2nd day, in btw meeting a lot of my parents' friends as well, and still managing to squeeze in time to spend with my work colleagues @ Jacqueline's house on 2nd day. Really had a lot of fun there playing the games though hahaha. What musical chairs lar, throwing oranges around lar, CNY greetings. LOL. And of coz, last night was spent with my group of church friends at Dawn's house for dinner. It was good to meet up with them coz I haven't seen them like in ages?!? Really neglecting my choir duties. Tsk tsk =P No thanks to all my Sunday OTs hahaha.. The best of all was getting to meet my good pal Sheldon on 2nd day night after the gathering at Jacq's house. Really glad to have been able to catch up with him and have dinner/supper with him at Tanah Merah. Mee Goreng Pattaya.. Yummz. He is leaving for his Cambodia mission trip tonight. Best of luck Shel and may God be with you always. =)

Of course, the highlight of this year's CNY for me was being able to drive around for once!! Many thanks to my Uncle Lui who agreed to lend me his 2nd car, Toyota Altis to drive around on Saturday. It was really convenient and it really came in handy considering the places I had to go yesterday - Hougang, Novena, River Valley, Lorong Ah Soo and back home. Glad to say I haven't lost my touch with driving yet =P. Really inspires me to work hard to get a car of my own. Ppl say I'm lucky to have such a nice uncle who is willing to lend me his car. I couldn't agree any less.

Yups. A really fulfilling and packed CNY period. Maybe exciting in someways. hahaha. But mostly, EXHAUSTING. wonder how it would be like nxt yr? =)

Posted by darylhjm87 at 2:55 PM

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Chinese New Year...

I just found out something this Chinese New Year - I'm growing old!! Too old to enjoy the Chinese New Year festives alr... =(

I rmb last time when I was a small kid, how I used to long for Chinese New Year. Of coz, that time CNY was a good break from school life lolx. but that's not the point. I rmb really looking forward to it, visiting different houses, relatives and friends, the atmosphere, the collecting of Hongbaos, the food... Well, i still look forward to the Hongbaos and food (of coz!), but somehow nowadays the atmosphere feels so like.. bleah. like it's just another year, nothing special abt it. wonder what happened along the way? where did I lose that feeling?

Yesterday's CNY eve reunion at my aunt's place was really not much different from other years. but this year the feeling was like - just eat and go home. of coz, the fact that I went there after work, half shagged, plus my parents wanting to go to one of their friend's mother's wake didn't help things. but somehow the mood is just so... different from other years. it seems to get worse every year. maybe it's my imagination.. I HOPE. or maybe it's really becoz I'm growing older, that CNY does not mean as much to me as it used to... whatever lar. HAIX. =(

Posted by darylhjm87 at 10:07 PM

Saturday, February 2, 2008

some thots..

Giving is always better than receiving.. when u give u receive more in return..

And for some reason I just feel really lucky today to have such wonderful parents who are always there for me.. haha.

Posted by darylhjm87 at 12:30 AM