Sunday, November 30, 2008

December Hols are here once again!!

So many things have changed since I last blogged here. Ever since entering uni.
- I learnt a lot. Not just academic-wise. but also, to manage time wisely, to be more responsible and accountable for my personal actions.
- I made new friends in the U, some great friends in my course, in my hall. I've got to learn to treasure them and also not to neglect my old friends.
- I became closer to my xiao mei and her roomie. LOL.
- I began to see things in different ways.
- I realised how foolish I am with regards to certain things where I kept on hoping for it to happen but it didn't and probably never will turn out the way I want it to.

I guess it is all part of growing up. But there are still so many things for me to learn yet.

Semester 1 just flew by in the blink of an eye. I remember telling ppl around me how ridiculous it was that for uni, one semester was 3mths long. The reaction I got was:
"You sure anot? Not one term ah?"
My friends and I wondered why the university worked in such a strange way, cramming everything into 3 mths, meaning 2 semesters in a year, approx 6-7mths, followed by some really long holidays. I mean, why couldn't they have spread it out so that we could have more time to learn more effectively? Oh wells.
Before I knew it, exams were fast approaching. I couldn't cope with Hall polo training, often having to skip trainings though it was just once a week just in order to ensure that I had time to catch up with my preparation for the exams. Home and hall became like prisons to me where I was cooped up. And where I studied. And studied. And studied. My dear lappy often became the only source of escape from the dredgery of eternal boredom. haha. Being a little over-expressive here...
Finally the exams began. With whatever limited preparation I had. But looking back, it was like what Guozheng told me a few days ago - bits and pieces of what we initially did not comprehend during lessons gradually fell into place and started to make sense, slowly but eventually. Maths paper and Econs in a day, followed by Physics, which was horrible as usual. Then Computing. Then Material Science. Oh, and there was time to celebrate Xiao Sian's 19th birthday in between. Glad that Funky and I managed to give her a very happy birthday celebration, though simple it was, and celebrated in hall.
Then 26th Nov came. The most dreaded paper - AE1001: Aerospace Discovery Course. How ironic. My interest. Well, sort of. Not exactly what a pilot needs to learn. But still, for something of interest to be something dreaded is quite incredibly.. ironic to say the least. It didn't help with lecturers teaching vaguely and putting fanciful equations in the notes to, quote, "make the notes look nice". Thankfully the paper was quite ok in the end.
And so the holidays have begun! No more having to stay up till 2 plus, 3 just to mug and mug! Yesss! =)
So far it's been pretty good. Hectic but fun. After the aero paper on Wed, I had a wonderful dinner with Ze Lin, Issac and Hlaing Soe at JP Billy Bombers, followed by watching Madagascar 2. For those who have not watched it, you should. Haha. You're guaranteed one heck of a laughter! Oh yeah also met up with GV Boon Lay Duty Manager Chang De. LOL. No free tickets for me though! Darn. Haha.
Thurs was spent at Yi Xiang's house playing Flight Simulator and learning about basic techniques and how the flight management system works. Pretty cool stuff. I just love the rudder pedals, the joystick and throttle tab. Not to mention how realistic his simulator software is. LOL. Oh yah and we played NFS too.. Dinner was prepared by his Mum. Simple yet wholesome. I liked it. A lot. Haha. A great day all in all.
Den I played soccer at NTU with Guozheng and his friends on Friday morning, followed by lunch with him at Joo Seng. Boy! was the Mee Pok Chilli hot ah!! haha. I also realised just how unfit I had become after nuaing for so long!
It was to be confirmed on Saturday when I met Kenny to take my IPPT @ Bedok Camp.

2.4km - 11.10min

Goodness. That was my slowest timing for a 2.4km ever. Of course, the weather was very hot. But that was no excuse. I managed to get Silver. I wanted Gold. But I had no right to ask for Gold given how unfit I was. 16th Dec. I booked another slot. One more chance before the window closes. haha. Then we had Cheng Ting at the Kopitiam opposite the camp. Fantastic thirst-quenching dessert for a terribly hot weather.

That's how my holidays have unfurled so far. Hectic, but fun. More of the same to come in the next few weeks. Choir camp, hall waterpolo games, darts, caroling (both school and church choir), soccer at ECP cage on 29th, possible chalet from 22-24th, Mum's and Kenny's bdae coming up, K session with Xiaoxian and Funky when she gets back, possible farm visits, kite flying, cycling... Yups. It certainly can't get much more hectic. or exciting.

Oh. And of course. 18th December isn't that far away either.

Posted by darylhjm87 at 7:04 PM